Emergency Triage

Emergency Triage

by Phone

Please Read Carefully:
We ARE NOT an Emergency Hospital but we can help you decide if your pet is having an emergency and needs to go to the ER. Call us during normal business hours and we will do our best to help you decide if your pet needs to go to an emergency hospital.

 Call (386) 427-8339 – Option #3

Make an Appointment


Veterinary Emergency Center of East Volusia
Phone: (386) 761-1911

2410 S. Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona FL 32119

Hours of Operation:
Mon – Fri: 6:00 pm – 7:30 am
Sat – Sun: Open 24 Hours

Fax: (386) 492-6656

Email: vecev386@gmail.com

Pet Poison Helplines

24 Hour Pet Poison Helpline 800-213-6680
24 Hour ASPCA Pet Poison Helpline 888-426-4435

Signs Your Pet Could be Having a Medical Emergency

Some conditions like diarrhea, itchy skin, even urinary tract infections, etc… can wait to see your regular veterinarian the following morning. If you are worried, to be safe it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian or ER veterinarian. Not only will this give you peace of mind, but the vet can make sure nothing more significant is going on with your pet!


  • Lethargy or collapse
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Difficulty breathing (e.g., noisy breathing, stretching the head and neck out while breathing, seeing the abdominal body wall moving a lot while breathing)
  • Constant coughing and inability to rest through the night
  • Coughing up pink, frothy, foamy liquid (or blood)
  • Panting constantly
  • A respiratory rate > 60 breaths per minute at home while resting (TIP: count the number of breaths taken over 15 seconds and multiple by 4)
  • Abnormal gum color (e.g., pale gums, blue gums, etc.)
  • A distended, “bloated” abdomen
  • Non-productive retching (which is classic for gastric-dilitation volvulus or “GDV”)
  • Pale gums (which is often seen with internal bleeding or anemia)
  • An elevated heart rate (> 160 beats per minute at home)
  • Crying out in pain
  • Any wound on the body
  • Jaundiced (yellow gums)
  • Not being able to move or walk or dragging of the back legs
  • Any significant amount of bleeding
  • Any trauma (regardless of how minor it may appear)
  • Bite wounds or attacks by another animal
  • Any poisoning or toxin ingestion
  • Vomiting more than 2-3X in a row
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Abnormal odor from the body
  • Feeling very hot or cold to the touch (NOTE: You can always try to check your pet’s temperature with a pet thermometer; if the temperature is < 99 or > 103.5, please contact a veterinarian immediately!)
  • Squinting, bulging, discolored or painful eyeballs
  • Straining to urinate, making multiple trips to urinate, squatting to urinate without producing any urine
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Seizures lasting for more than 2-3 minutes or having more than 2-3 seizures in a 24-hour period
  • Has gone 3-4 hours between kitten/puppy delivery
Make an Appointment

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